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Application for Insurance and End of Insurance

Application for Insurance and End of Insurance

Application for Insurance and End of Insurance

The status of an insured person is determined by HZMO based on the insurance application. The application submits:
• An insured persons’s employer, i.e. the contribution payer
• An insured person obliged to pay pension insurance contributions.
The status of an insured person ends upon cessation of the circumstances enabling the insurance coverage. For the insured persons from Articles 11, 11a and 13 of ZOMO the status of an insuree ends once they retire.
The application should be submitted to the regional service/regional office or local office of HZMO, competent according to the seat of the employer or its subsidiary, or the place of residence or business. The insurance application deadline is eight days before the commencement of employment at earliest, but not later than before the very beginning of the work with the employer.
All employers and other insurance-liable persons having more than three insured persons are obliged to submit applications electronically. E-applications is a web application allowing its users to electronically report about the beginning or end of the pension insurance, about changes concerning the status occurred during the period of insurance, about beginning/end of the business operations of a contribution payer and changes occurred in the contribution payer's data.
Application Types (Forms / Electronic Applications):
• M-1P / eM-1P Beginning of insurance
• M-2P / eM-2P End of insurance
• M-3P / eM-3P Changes occurred during the insurance
• M-11P / eM-11P Beginning of business operations of a contribution payer
• M-12P / eM-12P End of business operations of a contribution payer
• M-13P / eM-13P Changes of a contribution payer's data
• M-SEZ / eM-SEZ Beginning of insurance / Change in the conversion of the period of insurance for seasonal jobs.

Employers (Legal or Natural Person)
• Type of application and documents required to register the beginning of business operations:
  • Application form for the beginning of business operations of a contribution payer (form M-11P / eM-11P)
  • Decision / Certificate of entry into an appropriate register – for perusal (for contribution payers not registered in a public registry)
  • Notification on the classification of a business entity according to the National Classification of Activities (NKD) - for perusal
• Type of application and documents required to register the end of business operations:
  • Application form for the end of business operations of a contribution payer (form M-12P / eM-12P)
  • Decision / Certificate of deletion from an appropriate register - for perusal (for contribution payers not entered into the public registry).

 Self-Employed Contribution Payers
• Type of application and documents required to register the beginning of business operations:
  • Application form for the beginning of business operations of a contribution payer (form M-11P / eM-11P)
  • Decision / Certificate of entry into an appropriate register – for perusal (for contribution payers not registered in a public registry) 
• Type of application and documents required to register the cessation of business operations:
  • Application form for the end of business operations of a contribution payer (form M-12P / eM-12P)
  • Decision / Certificate of deletion from an appropriate register - for perusal (for contribution payers not entered in the public registry).
Workers Employed By Legal or Natural Person
  • Type of application and documents required to register the beginning of the insurance  
    • Application form for entry of the beginning of insurance M-1P/eM-1P.
  • Type of application and documents for entry of the end of insurance 
    • Application form for entry of the end of insurance M-2P/eM-2P.
It is not obligatory to enclose accompanying documentation to the Application for the beginning/end of the employment-based insurace, except: 
  • For persons with disabilities – a decision or an appropriate act issued by the competent body on the determined status of a disabled person
  • For persons who are subject to the Croatian legislation according to the EU coordination rules and who are employed by an employer whose business seat is in the state that applies EU regulations on the coordination of social security and whose company or subsidiary is not registered in the Republic of Croatia - proof of employment/end of employment
  • For persons employed in the institutions of the European Union if not covered by the mandatory insurance according to the EU regulations – proof of employment/end of emplyoment in an EU institution
  • For the crew members on ships in international navigation whose employer - a shipowner or  a company - is a domestic or foreign legal entity, unless otherwise specified by the EU regulations on the coordination of social security systems or an international social security agreement, and the crew members on ships in the international navigation with permanent employment contract' - employment contract/termination of employment contract (if their employer - a shipowner or a company- is a domestic legal entity) or a copy of the Seaman's Book (matricula) if their employer - a shipowner or a company – is a foreign legal entity
  • For the seasonal workers in agriculture because of end of insurance - contract on seasonal work in agriculture
  • For the parents performing parental duties during the first year of a child's life:
  • Certificate of Citizenship for a child (Domovnica)
  • Confirmation that a parent and a child have residence in the Republic of Croatia
  • Statement given by a child's parent – either declared for records or certified by the notary public - about the parents’ agreement on the mandatory insurance under Article 14 of ZOMO, if both parents are not covered by the pension insurance.

Change of Contribution Payer and Insured Person Data
For the registration of a change of data about a contribution payer (name, address, business seat municipality, etc.), it is necessary:
  • To apply for registration of a change of data about a contribution payer (Form M-13P / eM-13P) and
  • To submit documents proving such change (e.g. decision on the entry of a change in the competent registry, etc.).
For the registration of a change of data about an insured person that occurred during insurance (e.g. change of the insured person's surname, place of work, working hours, education, type of the concluded contract, etc.) it is necessary
  • To apply for entry of a change occurred during insurance (Form M-3P / eM-3P).
It is not mandatory to attach documentation proving such change.

Application Deadlines 

  • For data about the beginning of business operations, end of business operations and changes in the operations of a contribution payer the application deadline is 24 hours from the beginning or end of operations, i.e. from the day of legal validity of the decision on entry into or deletion from the appropriate registry and 24 hours from a change occurred in operations of the contribution payer
  • For data about the beginning of insurance for persons in the employment relationship and data on the commencement of other, equally treated insurance bases, the application deadline is eight days before the beginning of work at earliest, but not later than before the very start of the work with the employer
  • For data on the end of insurance for persons in the work relationship and data on the cessation of other, equally treated insurance bases, the application deadline is 24 hours from the cessation of work, i.e. from the termination of employment
  • For the information about changes that occurred during the period of insurance, the application deadline is 24 hours from the onset of changes
  • For data on the beginning and end of insurance of the self-employed contribution payers, the application deadline is 24 hours from the day on which the decision on entry in the appropriate register became legally valid
  • For data on the disabled workers entitled to professional rehabilitation, the application deadline is on the day on which the decision on the acquisition, i.e. termination of such right became enforceable.
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